As a manufacturer of high strength, light weight steel solutions, ESSAR Steel Algoma plays an important role as a supplier to manufacturers in automotive and green energy sectors who are seeking to develop stronger, lighter products. We are a key component in other major industrial and manufacturing clusters, helping to create good, secure jobs and strengthening the Canadian economy.
While in Ottawa, ESSAR, in partnership with other members of the Canadian Steel Producers Association (CSPA), will talk with policy makers about the steel industry’s priorities and the important role we can play in making Canada stronger.
Click here to read the Steel Days Press Release.
A comprehensive study of Canada’s steel sector was released yesterday, presenting new insights into the impact of steel in Canada and offering a fresh look at future prospects for the industry.
Click here to read a summary of the study’s key findings.
Click here to read the complete study by Dr. Peter Warrian of the Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto.